Message & Mission of the Workshop
This workshop focuses on the dynamics of complex systems. It is most attractive subject of the modern science. The attractiveness issues from the two points of view. The first one is that it provides challenges, which are connected with many uncertainties in description of the irregular motions, and methods of investigation, which are not well developed and established yet. Another reason is that applications of complex dynamics investigations are very important and form large range of problems. They start with mechanical problems and extend to earthquake prediction and social sciences problems. It is not just about neuroscience, biology, genetics, medicine and quantum physics.
Moreover, we are interested in those investigations in electrical and mechanical engineering, physics, biology, economics, finance, neuroscience, computer sciences, earthquake monitoring, which urgently need mathematical modeling of their problems and analysis through dynamical systems approach. So, all specialists are waiting for such meeting. Hopefully, we will be able, altogether, to arrange strong collaboration starting with this workshop. All specialists whose research interest is related to bifurcation, chaos, mathematical neuroscience, fractals, ergodicity, discontinuous dynamical systems, are welcome.